Join us as we gallop through the wonder-filled
West, where our friends at Wonder Junction will teach us about the grandest
wonder of all--Jesus Christ!
Age 4 - 5th grade
FCC Kids' special events
Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...
VBS June 2-6
Join us as we gallop through the wonder-filled
West, where our friends at Wonder Junction will teach us about the grandest
wonder of all--Jesus Christ!
Age 4 - 5th grade
FCC Kids
At FCC we desire to provide a safe, thriving, and fun place where children find relationship with Jesus Christ and with one another. We place a high value on children and families, and we are delighted to welcome you and your family!
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
We exist to train children in the Word of God at their own level as they grow, while preparing them for a lifetime of serving the Lord with all their heart, soul, and mind.
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. 2 Peter 3:18
When you arrive at First Christian Church, you will find our children’s ministry check-in table to your right as you walk in the front doors. The table is next to the Guest Welcome station. Our friendly greeters will be happy to assist you.
We use a secure check-in/check-out system. As a first-time guest, we encourage you to fill out the guest registration card at the children’s check-in table. Once your child’s name is entered in our computer, you will receive a printed nametag for each child and a matching security tag for you. The number on your tag matches the number on your child’s tag. Please keep your security tag as it will be required when you pick up your child after service.
All our volunteers complete an application process, which includes a background check and an interview with our children’s minister. Our children’s ministry team also participates in various trainings throughout the year.
Children, birth - 5th grade, should be checked in before going to any class.
Nursery is available for birth-age two during our adult Sunday School at 9:30AM and 10:30 worship service.
At 10:30AM, elementary age children attend worship with their parents in the sanctuary at the beginning of the church service. Children are welcome in the service! After worship time, K – 5th grade children are dismissed to Kids’ Church. Our volunteers will escort the children to the kids’ church room upstairs. A class for pre-K children is offered during church service.
Our nursery provides a safe, warm, and playful environment for our littlest ones. Babies spend their time snuggling, rocking, and playing with age-appropriate toys, while experiencing God’s love through the care of loving volunteers. Nursery is located on the lower level across from the kitchen.
The preschool room is action-packed with age-appropriate toys, songs, and craft activities. Our trained teachers and helpers use DiscipleLand curriculum to teach children about God’s Word and His wonderful creation. This classroom is located on the lower level across from the fellowship hall.
Kids’ Church is a large group setting for all children currently attending elementary school. Children attend worship in the main auditorium prior to being released to Kids’ Church. We engage in meaningful, conversational Bible teaching in Kids’ Church. There are often crazy games and object lessons designed to illustrate the objective of the day. We try to incorporate visual, auditory, and kinesthetic teaching each week so children can understand the Bible according to their best learning style. We use "The Biggest Story" curriculum. The Kids’ Church room is located on the upper level, mid-hall, across from the large youth room.
On Wednesday nights, August – November and January - May, FCC provides a meal and Bible study for all ages. A small donation is requested for the meal. Following the meal, adults and children break for their respective studies. This is a casual and friendly evening where we enjoy being together as a church family. We invite you to join in!
5:45 – 6:30PM Dinner in the Fellowship Hall
6:30 – 7:30PM
Adult Bible study in the Fellowship Hall.
Nursery provided for birth-2 years.
Preschool in the classroom across from the Fellowship Hall.
K-5th grade in the Kids’ Church room upstairs.
Youth (6-12 grades) in the youth room upstairs.
Our volunteers complete an application process including an interview and a background check.
We strive to maintain a minimum of 2 adults serving in a classroom. Only approved volunteers are allowed to lead, teach, or help in a classroom. Security guards pass through the halls periodically to check on our rooms.
Our classrooms are outfitted with doors with windows and walkie-talkie radios.
We utilize a security tag check-in and pick up system. Teachers must verify that a guardian’s security tag number matches the tag number of the child before releasing the child.
Other security measures are in place throughout the church building.
We realize that some children may need special assistance during class time. You may contact our children’s minister ahead of your first visit if you’d like to discuss your child’s needs.
We kindly ask that parents/caregivers help us maintain a wellness zone in our nursery and other classrooms. Children will not be admitted if they have experienced any of the following within 24 hours:
The Children’s Ministry staff will not administer any type of medication to children placed in our care. If a child is taking an antibiotic, he or she must be on it for at least 24 hours before coming into class or nursery.
We appreciate your cooperation in keeping all our children healthy.
We ask that a responsible adult remain in the building while his or her child
is checked in to our ministry. We believe it is beneficial for families to
attend church together, so we encourage you to attend service as well.
You may share info such as emergency contacts and allergies on this form.