Sunday School

9:30-10:15am each Sunday

We have classes for all ages from infant through adult.

Adults can often choose from Standard Bible lessons or video based teaching with discussion. 

wednesday night live

Currently: Bible Studies at 6:30pm

Usually: On Wednesdays during the school year (August - May), we have an inexpensive meal at 5:45pm. (Suggested donation is $4 per person/max $12 per family.) Sign up on Sunday morning or call the church office by Monday.  If you aren't signed up, don't worry.  Please come anyway.  We always fix a little extra for guests.

After dinner, we have studies and activities for all ages from 6:30-7:30pm.  The adults stay in the Fellowship Hall for a Bible study.  Across the hall is a nursery for babies and a class for pre-schoolers.  K-5th have DiscipleShip and 6th-12th grades have The Upper Room: both groups meet upstairs.